Beat the Heat: Keeping Your Frenchie Cool and Comfortable This Summer

As most people know one of the biggest health concerns with the French Bulldog breed is breathing issues due to their small airway openings. This is an issue with most brachycephalic (short muzzle) breeds. However, this doesn't mean your Frenchie can't play and exercise... just use caution. Some dogs (even in the same breed) have better airway openings than others. Know your dog and their limitations. Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and don't leave them unattended. Even temperatures just over 70 degrees F can become a hazard.

Here are some effective ways to keep your French Bulldog cool during the hot summer months:

  • Provide Plenty of Water: Always have fresh, cool water available for your French Bulldog to prevent dehydration. Take along a portable water container for walks, visiting outside venues or boating.

Compact waterer for walking

Large Camping or boat waterer

  • Use Cooling Mats or Vests: Invest in cooling mats or vests designed to help lower your dog’s body temperature.

Cooling Mat

Cooling Vest

Cooling bandana

  • Avoid Midday Walks: Walk your French Bulldog during the early morning or late evening hours when temperatures are cooler. If you're hot, they're hot! Be cautious of where you walk. Use the 7 second rule for checking concrete or asphalt. Place the back of your hand on the ground for 7 seconds. If its uncomfortable, it's too hot for your dog to walk on. Usually anything 85 degrees F and above.


  • Create a Cool Environment: Keep your home cool with fans or air conditioning. Ensure your dog has access to shaded areas both indoors and outdoors. We added a sun sail to our back deck where the dogs spend a lot of time. It makes a huge difference in temperature.

Sun Sail

  • Offer Frozen Treats: Give your dog frozen treats or ice cubes to lick, which can help cool them down from the inside. Plus, they love them! Ice cubes are the cheapest treat along with hydrating benefits that won't add calories to their diet.

Doggie Ice Cream

Ice Toy


  • Limit Exercise: Reduce the intensity and duration of exercise during hot weather to prevent overheating. Do a shorter walk and make sure if you have multiple dogs, they aren't playing too hard for too long. The one time I had an issue with overheating was when a friend brought her puppy over to play. I was chatting with her, and the dogs played for too long. Luckly, I noticed and was able to cool my pup down with a cold bath rather quickly.


  • Use a Kiddie Pool: Let your French Bulldog splash around in a shallow kiddie pool to stay cool. My dogs love the kiddie pool! Add some ice cubes and they're in heaven! I usually just pick up the hard plastic ones from the farm store. That way if they destroy it, it's not a big deal. For a little extra fun, you can get a splash pad!

Kiddie pool

Splash Pad

  • Wet Towels: Place damp, cool towels on the floor for your dog to lie on, or gently wipe their body with a damp cloth. Great way to cool your dog off on the boat.


  • Grooming: Keep your dog's fur well-groomed to prevent excess heat retention, but avoid shaving them, as their coat provides essential protection against sunburn and heat. Your dog's coat acts as an insulator, keeping them warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. This is particularly important for double-coated dogs, which need their undercoat brushed out when the weather turns warm. However, contrary to popular belief, shaving can have the opposite effect of what is intended—it can lead to sunburn, an increased risk of heat stroke and skin cancer, and potential damage to hair regrowth.


  • Monitor for Heat Stroke: Be aware of the signs of heat stroke, such as excessive panting, staggering, drooling, vomiting, lethargy and bright red tongue and ears. Seek immediate veterinary care if you suspect heat stroke. Body temperature above 104 degrees F is too hot! Give cold water to drink and use a cold-water bath or hose to lower their body temperature, but do NOT use ice. An ice bath can lead to constriction of the blood vessels under their skin, which will actually prevent evaporative cooling.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your French Bulldog stays safe and comfortable during the summer heat. Know the signs of heat stress for prevention and have a plan in case your pup gets too hot. I hope you and your family have a safe and fun summer!

heat stroke

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