All parents are at least 4 panel tested and clear. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about upcoming litters or the waitlist process. Prices start around $3500 and up and are set a few weeks after the litter is born.

  • To be placed on the wait list for 1st contacts for upcoming litters its $100 non-refundable before a litter is born. This holds your place in line to choose a puppy once they're available, before its open to the public. Once the puppies are born and old enough for selection it's an additional $400 to hold a specific puppy from a litter.

The reason behind the small fee for the wait list is because when I didn't charge, everyone I talked to wanted to be added to the list to be contacted whether they were truly interested or not. I would make the 20 contacts and not a single person was still interested. It made it very difficult to plan litters. The charge is to make sure only serious individuals are on the wait list, so I can plan accordingly.

If you're not committed to putting down a deposit to hold your spot. That's no problem! Just follow my Facebook and check back on my website periodically. I always post what's happening here with breedings and litters. We usually have a few that aren't spoken for when it opens to the public. Especially if your more flexible with color or sex.

  • Once puppies are born and its open to non-waitlist families the fee is $500 to hold a puppy.

The Flowers Litter was born Aug. 17, 2024 - Wait list is for the upcoming 2025 litters

*** We just finished up with our Flowers litter for 2024. The next breeding will be Spring 2025 ***

Families Waiting For Their Perfect Puppy

Waitlist for both litters. We will have 2 litters born only a couple days apart in the beginning of April.


1. Finein Family





1. Hold the possibility of a keeper

2. Finein Family



A $100 non-refundable deposit will hold your place on the waitlist for the next available puppies. Waitlist is in order of deposits taken. We will reach out along the process once we know when the next breeding takes place, after the confirmation ultrasound and once babies are born. We prefer to wait until around 4 weeks old before allowing waitlist families to select their specific puppy. Puppies are very fragile in the first couple weeks. This allows us time to access for health and structure. If the Buyer does not select a puppy from the available litter, they can choose to remain on the waitlist for the following litter. Breeder does hold the right to first pick of any litter. You must contact us prior to sending a deposit.